MoU signed between KU Art+Design and ACP
To strengthen the product design education, research and development and to cultivate co-operation and exchange between the two institutions, KU Art+Design has signed a Memorandum of Understanding MoU with Association of Craft Producers (ACP) Nepal. Both institutions have agreed upon the collaborations for the mutual benefit to both institutions. The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr Mahesh Banskota, Dean, School of Arts, Kathmandu University and Ms. Meera Bhattarai, Executive Director of ACP.
Association of Crafts Producers ACP is one of the Pioneer Fair Trade NGOs of Nepal, providing design, market, management and technical services for low income, primarily female, craft producers that results in regular and adequate wage to supplement family income and improve their over all standard of living. ACP is offering dynamic perspective towards the local enterprises/ artisans by supporting the method of learning and livelihood of various artisans and craftsmen across the country. Reasons to rely on professional custom essay writing services. Unfortunately, the skill of writing brilliant custom essays doesn’t come naturally to most students.
Both ACP and KU Art+Design believe that if the creative people such as designers and artists of Nepal use their inspiration and creativity to produce effective and cutting edge indigenous designs for cottage and small industries, it will eventually change lives and affect communities for the better by enabling people to be part of the collective growth. To generate and support qualified, informed and creative individuals who understand and capitalize the opportunities that the indigenous skills and materials provide, have ability to solve problems through design as well as uplift the design sensibility to match the domestic and international market. KU Art+Design and ACP have agreed to explore areas of potential academic co-operation and opportunities for the progress of the product design field by availing opportunities for the students learning experiences and by identifying ways in which they can co-operate and work together with various artisans and craftsmen. The idea is also to share, strengthen and collaborate when opportunities arise and resource people are available. This MoU has been possible due to the initiation of Prof. Dr. Lin Hightower, Fulbright Senior Scholar, 2014-15.